myShopi itself regularly uses the option to launch a focused call to action via a printed promo strip on the folder package. We got the inspiration for the ‘promo-on-seal’ from the Netherlands where local leaflet distributors rolled out this form of communication successfully for years with, for example, Intertoys, C&A and V&D.
With a reach of no less than 3.6 million households in Belgium, our own seal print tripled the number of downloads of the myShopi app. There are many options for you as well!
Why opt for promo-on-seal?
The impact of your call to action on the seal of the leaflet package can be reinforced by the presence of your leaflet inside that same leaflet package. Also an advert on the monthly seal insert of BD myShopi can mean extra support for your promotional message.
Do you want to know about a personalised strategy for your folder distribution?
Please contact us for queries about creative or digital solutions.